fullsizeoutput 2e67 850x727 - AQUAMEDIALE 12,  IN LÜBBEN, GERMANY


Since 2005, the district of Dahme-Spreewald has been organising the aquamediale in Lübben (Spreewald). The international, contemporary festival of arts is part of the Brandenburg Kultursommer (“culture summer”).

More than 100,000 visitors experience the encounter with artworks of international visual artists every year. For the period of three months, the charmingly designed landscape will be characterised by installations, artist interventions, artworks and sculptures.

We have partecipated with a dodecahedron filled with driftwood.

Between 3 June and 24 September, 2017

T89U98vSwMo maxresdefault - AQUAMEDIALE 12,  IN LÜBBEN, GERMANY

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